Use the single request lookup endpoint to upload data as an individual transaction.

Lookup Type Parameter

The lookup_type parameter is used to specify the type of input data included in the API call.

lookup_type ParameterInput Data Type
erRaw (plaintext) PII
md5MD5 hashed email addresses
sha256SHA-256 hashed email addresses
sha1SHA-1 hashed PII strings (including SHA1 hashed email addresses)
abilitecAbiliTec Link

Lookup Value

The lookup value parameter specifies the input data for the call depending on the lookup_type parameter. The lookup_value parameter is required for lookup endpoint requests. It’s listed after the lookup_type in the API call.

lookup_type ParameterRequired Lookup ValueSupported Input Data ValuesLookup Value Examples
erRaw (plaintext) PIISee < Supported Input Data Values >"mary robinson 225 bush st fl 17 san francisco ca 94104" "mary robinson 5015550101" "[email protected]"
md5MD5 hashed email addressesEmail9b7ee2211f2658e9889960d8557086eb
sha256SHA-256 hashed email addressesEmailee3d7fe2d416373c74a38f44d0404635dcc273d41a9b1391a991f
sha1SHA-1 hashed PII strings (including SHA1 hashed email addresses)See < Supported Input Data Values >c5cc88d3aa51983ac63cb17c14bb08d3
abilitecAbiliTec Link AbiliTec Person Link
AbiliTec Place Link

Supported Input Data Values

The supported input data combinations for entity representations and hashed entity representations are listed below. See the < Entity Representation> section for details on constructing the input data combinations.

  • Email
  • PhoneNumber
  • FirstName LastName Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName LastName GenerationalSuffix Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName GenerationalSuffix Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName LastName Email
  • FirstName LastName PhoneNumber
  • FirstName LastName ZipCode
  • Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName LastName GenerationalSuffix Email
  • FirstName LastName GenerationalSuffix PhoneNumber
  • FirstName LastName GenerationalSuffix ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName Email
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName GenerationalSuffix Email
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName GenerationalSuffix PhoneNumber
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName GenerationalSuffix ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleInitial LastName PhoneNumber
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName Email
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName GenerationalSuffix Address City State ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName GenerationalSuffix Email
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName GenerationalSuffix PhoneNumber
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName GenerationalSuffix ZipCode
  • FirstName MiddleName LastName PhoneNumber

Lookup Parameters Rules

The following list describes the general parameters rules.

  • Query lookup parameters are optional parameters and they can be used for all lookup endpoints..
  • Query parameters must be included after the ? character in the URL request and formed as [parameter_name]=[parameter_value].
  • Separate multiple parameters using &.