Response data is organized into logical bundles. This makes it easy to request just the data you need in each API call. When you request data for people, places, households, or entities, you can specify the specific bundle(s) of data you want returned, or, don’t specify and have all of the bundles to which you have permissions returned in a single call.
When developing to the API, it is important to understand that even if a document class (e.g., person) may contain a particular bundle, the particular bundle may or may not be present in a given document. For example, the person document for "John Smith" may contain a phoneContact bundle because there is a phone number associated with "John," but the person document associated with "Mary Robinson" may not have a phoneContact bundle because Acxiom may not have that particular piece of data, or "Mary" has chosen to add her phone number to the national "Do Not Call" list. It’s also important to point out that the API only returns/renders true Boolean value. Missing Boolean values are implied to be false. This means that any bundles containing only false values will also not be returned. Client code should always check for the existence of bundles before reading their values. Developers should code their applications to deal with either the presence or absence of each requested bundle on any given request.
It is also important to understand when developing to the API that access to particular bundles is based upon the permissions associated with the calling client. Bundles are the basis for usage privileges and a client program may retrieve only those bundles to which the program is permitted.
Portrait documents are returned from the portrait endpoint or from the match endpoint when no existing document matches the request. The portrait documents are statistically generated. As a result, these documents do not have persistent document ids, metadata, or specific contact information for an individual.
The table below describes the document classes (person, place, household, entity) where particular bundles may be present.