Batch Document
When you make a batch request, a batch document is returned that contains a response code and document for each request that was sent in the POST body. For example, a call made to the batch request endpoint for the Match endpoint (POST{batch_post_parameters}), results in a batch document.
Responses are returned in the same order that the requests were made in the POST body.
Batch document—JSON format
"code": 200,
"document": {
"person": {
"id": "5a5a5a5a00d1259d57e2097710dba53c20a26e7db6",
"abilitec": {
"consumerLink": "003YUS02XKRLMYCQ"
"code": 200,
"document": {
"person": {
"id": "5a5a5a5a001789ce29dd8a696609507aacda002c17",
"abilitec": {
"addressLink": "003YUS03LS512YQ1"
"code": 404,
"document": {
"error": {
"message": "No document associated with [d864b597fa4a4f52824cb6066be4348e] exists in repository.",
"code": "600-0030",
"requestId": "UDSf84e98a385d34858bf511dbdb9e0b7e6"
"code": 200,
"document": {
"entity": {
"id": "5a5a5a5a00831c44eaa14d278a54e396b9876af080",
"personIds": [
"placeId": "5a5a5a5a00f3c1e266b1ed36185b4da43f0c98862e"
Updated almost 4 years ago