The Lookup endpoint can be used to perform exact matching on hashed PII strings (including email addresses).

Using hashed PII strings allows API requests without requiring raw (plaintext) PII to be passed as input to the request.

The following SHA1-hashed PII strings are supported:

  • Email: MD5 hashed, SHA256 hashed, or SHA1 hashed
  • Phone: SHA-1 hashed
  • Name + Email: SHA-1 hashed
  • Name + PhoneNumber: SHA-1 hashed
  • Name + ZipCode: SHA-1 hashed

Calls to the Lookup endpoint can be made as single transaction calls for an individual record or batch request calls for multiple records. When possible, batching your requests into groups of 1000 will result in much better performance for your application. Because batch request calls are subject to higher rate limits, batch request calls are also less likely to be throttled.

Making a batch request call involves making a POST call to and passing in a JSON array of URL strings constructed in the same way as a single transaction call to the Lookup endpoint. You can pass in up to 1000 URL strings in a single batch call.

Data normalization or fuzzy matching is not used on any input data.

If a maintained AbiliTec link is not associated with the input data, the endpoint returns a derived AbiliTec link.

General Construction Rules

The rules listed below apply to all PII string types.

  • Strings must be UTF-8 encoded.
  • If a field is empty, it should be excluded from the string.
  • Separate fields with single spaces. Don't add additional spaces if you leave out a particular field.
  • Convert all fields to lowercase before hashing.
  • Phone number should be digits only with no special characters.
  • Hyphens are allowed except in phone numbers.
  • Remove all periods (.) from name and phone fields. Do not remove periods from email addresses.

Constructing Names

See the table below for information on the elements that can be included when constructing names.

Name ElementDescriptionExampleRequired?
First NameThe person's first name.Eduardo
Middle NameThe person's middle name or middle initial.Kyu
Last NameThe person's last name.Lopez
Generational SuffixThe person's generational name suffix.Jr

Constructing Postal Addresses

Postal addresses may constructed in the following ways

  • Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
  • Zip

Supported Inputs for Each Hash

See the table below for all supported variations of hash type and input type.

Hash TypeInput TypeFormula
SHA1PostalPrimary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + Last + Email
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Email
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + Email
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Email
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + Middle + Last + Email
SHA1Name + EmailFirst + Middle + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Email
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + Last + Phone
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Phone
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + Phone
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Phone
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + Middle + Last + Phone
SHA1Name + PhoneFirst + Middle + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Phone
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Last + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Middle + Last + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Middle + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Primary Number + Pre Directional + StreetName + StreetSuffix + PostDirectional + Unit Designator + SecondaryNumber + City + State + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Last + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + MiddleInitial + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Middle + Last + Zip
SHA1Name + PostalFirst + Middle + Last + GenerationalSuffix + Zip

See The Lookup Endpoint for more information.