These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v2.9.0.

Activate New Destination Account

Specify the destination, integration, desired name, desired device types, and required properties to create a new destination account. Find the currently available destinations and their required properties below in the Destination Templates section of this documentation.

Note: If the “oauth_status” parameter in the response is anything other than “oauth_not_applicable”, the destination platform requires OAuth authorization to be performed before segments can be distributed. Use the Perform OAuth Authorization call to perform the authorization.


JSON Issues

If you have issues with "problematic JSON" or general errors stating that a param is missing, make sure that you've added the appropriate headers, have brackets around the account properties, and that your quotes are properly escaped. Below is another example of a fully formed, valid call to activate a new AppNexus destination account:

curl --request POST \
  -H "X-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "content-type: application/json" \
  --url \
  --data '{"account": {"destination_id":9226, "integration_id":9216, "name":"Test AppNexus DA", "device_types":["web","ios","android"], "properties":[{"name":"client_id", "value":"1234"}]}}'
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!