Learn about best practices for using the Data Marketplace Buyer API.

Work with your LiveRamp Representative

You'll need some information from your LiveRamp Representative to use the Data Marketplace Buyer API.

  • Work with your LiveRamp Representative to work through your use case for the Buyer API.
  • Your LiveRamp Representative will configure the list of your DSP locations as destinations for segment distribution.
  • You will be provided authorization credentials that are required to request an access token.
  • Be sure to obtain the reference sheets for data provider and advertiser identifiers from your LiveRamp rep. These are documents that you will need for some API query parameters.
  • Once you’ve tested and configured a workflow for using the API, give your CSM a heads up before making any initial large batch distributions. This helps alert the team to keep an eye out for large activity load.
  • Be sure to note feedback and share with your LiveRamp Representative. The beta is the ideal time to shape the product to your specific needs.