About Data Bundles

Learn how AbiliTec API data bundles organize response data.

Response data is organized into data bundles. You can specify the data bundle you want returned in each API call. If you don’t specify the data bundle, you'll receive all data bundles for which you have permissions.

The table below describes the Response Data Bundles that are available for a document class and the endpoints that can be used to return the data bundle.

Response Data BundlesDocument ClassEndpoints
AbiliTec ID Bundles
abilitec Bundleperson, household, place, entity Match
* DocID
abilitecHousehold Bundleentity Match
* DocID
householdId Bundleentity, person, place Match
* DocID
householdMembers Bundlehousehold Match
* DocID
placeId Bundleentity Match
* DocID
Metadata Bundles
matchMetadata Bundleperson, household, place, entity* Match
validationErrors Bundleperson, household, place, entity* Match

When developing your app to call the AbiliTec API, it is important to understand the following:

  • Even if a document class (such as a person), is associated with a particular bundle, the particular bundle may or may not be present in a given document. For example, the person document for "John Smith" might contain a validationErrors bundle because there was a parameter in the input record that contained invalid data, but the person document associated with "Mary Robinson" might not have a validationErrors bundle because there were no parameters in the input record that contained invalid data.
  • The AbiliTec API only returns true Boolean values. Missing Boolean values are implied to be false. This means that bundles containing only false values will also not be returned. Client code should always check for the existence of bundles before reading their values. You should code your applications to deal with either the presence or absence of each requested bundle on any given request.
  • Access to particular bundles is based upon the permissions associated with the calling client. Bundles are the basis for usage privileges and a client program may retrieve only those bundles to which the program is permitted.