The Match Endpoint | Fuzzy Matching

Learn about fuzzy matching and match cascades.

Fuzzy matching allows you to identify non-exact matches or an approximate matching.

When you use the Match endpoint, you maximize the match rate for your records by matching against all the available PII fields in a particular record (such as name, address, ZIP code, phone number, email address, etc.). You can use the Match endpoint to send plaintext (raw) PII or MD5-hashed email addresses. The Match endpoint also allows you to perform data normalization and fuzzy matching on any plaintext PII.

The PII is taken through a sequence of matching steps (the match cascade), until a match to a maintained AbiliTec ID is found. If a maintained AbiliTec ID is not found, a derived AbiliTec ID is returned.

The match endpoint can return up to 10 AbiliTec IDs per record.

The Match endpoint is used in the following situations:

  • You want to match a file where the PII has not been normalized
  • You want to use fuzzy matching
  • You have files with multiple PII columns