The Lookup Endpoint | Exact Matching
Use the Lookup endpoint when you want an exact match.
Exact matching allows you to identify an exact match to a single PII touchpoint.
You can use the Lookup endpoint to make a call with a single PII touchpoint and return a single AbiliTec ID.
The Lookup endpoint is used in the following situations:
- You have files with single identifiers
- You don’t want to send raw (plaintext) PII
- You need the lowest possible latency
When you don’t want to send raw PII in your API call, you can send hashed PII strings and several types of hashed email addresses. For raw PII data, the Lookup endpoint first utilizes data normalization to conform variations (such as in street types: “Boulevard” vs. “Blvd” vs. “Boulv”) and then converts each component into a hash value. For hashed PII, normalization isn’t performed.
If there is a maintained record associated with the input string or ID, the maintained AbiliTec ID is returned in both the DocID and Link formats. If a maintained record is not associated with the input string or ID, the API returns a derived AbiliTec DocID. A derived AbiliTec Link is not returned and a “document not found” message is displayed for the AbiliTec Link parameter.
Updated almost 4 years ago