Data That is Returned

Learn about the data that's returned, including AbiliTec IDs and match metadata.

Depending on the endpoint you call and the included parameters, the AbiliTec API returns the following data:

  • AbiliTec ID—Identifiers that allow you to identify and consolidate records across multiple systems.
  • Match Metadata—When the match endpoint is used, information about the components that were used to obtain the match, the matching level of the match cascade, and whether any components were invalid.

You can receive all available data types or you can specify which data you want returned.

AbiliTec IDs

AbiliTec IDs are assigned identifiers that are tied to a record in the AbiliTec identity graph. They allow you to identify and consolidate records across multiple systems.

You can make a call to return only the best match for the input data (lookup endpoint), or you can choose to receive multiple identifiers (match endpoint).

For more information about AbiliTec ID types, versions, formats, and structure, see AbiliTec Identifiers.

Match Metadata

Match metadata is returned when you send data to the Match endpoint. Match metadata includes information related to the matching process. This information can help optimize data collection through improved understanding of which data types or PII types yield the best results.

Match metadata includes the following:

  • The match level in the match cascade (the “matchConfidence” parameter).
  • The input components that contributed to the match (the “matchComponents” parameter).
  • Whether there are additional maintained AbiliTec IDs associated with the components of the input data that were used for the match (the “distinctMatch” parameter).
  • Whether part or all of the major name components were used to obtain the match (the “nameMatchIntegrity” parameter).
  • Whether any components of the input data are invalid, such as an email address that is not in a valid format (the “invalidParameters” parameter).
Match LevelComponents Matched
1Name + Address + ZIP
2Name + Email
3Name + Phone
4Partial Name + Email
5Partial Name + Phone
8Name + ZIP

See matchMetadata Bundle and validationErrors Bundle for more information.