abilitec Bundle

The abilitec bundle returns Links such as consumer links, address links, or household links, depending on the document type.

Document typeReturned link
Person documentAbiliTec consumer links
Household documentAbiliTec household links
Place documentAbiliTec address links
Entity documentAbiliTec consumer, address, or household links, depending on the type of entity represented

For more information about AbiliTec links, see AbiliTec Identifiers.

Document Class: Person

Data ElementTypeDescriptionExample or Valid Values
consumerLinkstringAbiliTec consumer link003YUS02XKRLMYCQ

Document Class: Household

Data ElementTypeDescriptionExample or Valid Values
householdLinkstringAbiliTec household link003YUS08KU324BL4

Document Class: Place

Data ElementTypeDescriptionExample or Valid Values
addressLinkstringAbiliTec address link003YUS03LS512YQ1

Document Class: Entity

Data ElementTypeDescriptionExample or Valid Values
consumerLinkstringAbiliTec consumer link003YUS02XKRLMYCQ
addressLinkstringAbiliTec address link003YUS03LS512YQ1
householdLinkstringAbiliTec household link003YUS08LS512YQ1


Sample abilitec bundle in JSON format for a Person document.

  "abilitec": {
    "consumerLink": "003YUS02XKRLMYCQ"