All calls to the Match endpoint or the Lookup endpoint return a "batch document" that contains a response code and person document for each request that was sent in the POST body.

For RampID use cases, responses are returned in a random order that does not correspond to the input POST body ordering in order help prevent reidentification.


[ {
  "code" : 200,
  "document" : {
  "person": {
    "anonymousAbilitec": {
      "anonymousConsumerLink": "XiT001sgRRky74xZ6NrpSsF6z2ucg6TeV8rISolIhOMe-R94lh47QP2xuVITxFm6otlyrB"
  "code" : 200,
  "document" : {
  "person": {
    "anonymousAbilitec": {
      "anonymousConsumerLink": "XiT001xuVITx94lh47QP2xuVITxFmyrBF6z2ucg6TeV8rIe-R94lh47Qh47QP2xrIhz2u"