For each API call, information is returned in response documents.
Each response document contains self-identifying attributes such as "document type" and "document id", as well as About Data Bundles that include RampIDs and other information for the input data.
Since all calls must be batch requests, each call requests in a Batch Document that is a collection of response codes and response documents for each request. The order of documents in the collection matches the order of the requests, so that requests and responses can be paired together.
A Group Document is returned when the "limit" parameter in a request to the Match endpoint is set to a value greater than "1" and there is more than one match. The group document will contain a number of documents equal to the number of matches.
An Error Document is returned when the API encounters an error.
See the other articles in this section for more information about each response document type, as well as response document examples.
Response Document Content
Each response document contains the following information:
- document type: identifies the type of response document ("person").
- RampId: uniquely identifies the persistent document.
- metadata: document metadata. See the document structure and example documents below.
- data bundles: includes attributes of the person or place and linkage to other people or places.
- code: response code related to a specific request
- document: container for document content in a batch response document
In response to a call to the Match endpoint, the RampID and metadata are returned only if a persistent document is matched.